9/23/2013 0 Comments iPhone 5What You Need to Know About iPhone 5 Smart phones are a dime a dozen in today’s world. With so many brands and models to choose from, it can be expected that people will automatically just pick out the first one that comes their way, right? In truth, however, for the most discerning of customers, nothing beats having an iPhone around.
Designed by Apple, the iPhone was first introduced to the market in 2007. Its interface was similar to the earlier iPod touch. The main difference between the two, however, is the fact that iPhones cannot be used to make and accept calls as well as send and receive SMS. Both, however, have multi-touch screen as well as a virtual keyboard, something that is not so popular at that time. Aside from being able to connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi, the iPhone was also able to make use of mobile data in order for the user to be able to surf.
Since its introduction to the market in 2007, Apple has already produced seven models of iPhone, with the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c being the latest. The two came about a year after the relatively successful release into the market of the iPhone 5, which featured a number of improvement compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 4.
The iPhone 5 came with such features as a better iOS which allowed the owner to make use of the iPhone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Since it also came with Siri, users can make use of their voice in order to create as well as send text messages. With the new iOS, this Smartphone was able to support Passbook, which is Apple’s way of helping the user store his or her tickets, boarding passes, store cards, and mobile payment codes. This iPhone model is also the first in the line-up to come with the Facebook platform already integrated with the system. It also allowed for limitation in ad tracking which the user himself can control.
Aside from the upgrade in the operating system, this model of the iPhone also makes use of an aluminum composite frame. With the redesign, this model was able to boast of being 18% thinner, 20% lighter, and 12% lower volume as compared to its predecessor.
With the introduction of iPhone 5 also came the introduction of the Apple A6 processor, replacing the previous A5 processor that the iPhone 4 series carried. It is said to allow the smartphone to run twice as fast as its predecessor and has double the power when it comes to graphics.
The introduction of the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c, sadly, also spelled the discontinuation of its predecessor owing to the fact that many people had a number of issues with the said unit, including the infamous maps, which had incorrect information; the appearance of a purple shade in photos, and the fact that the coating tends to chip easily. The two variants not only dealt with this concerns but also provided a way for clients to have a more affordable iPhone in the form of the iPhone 5c.
Apple has already produced seven models of iPhone, with the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c being the latest. The two came about a year after the relatively successful release into the market of the iPhone 5.
9/23/2013 0 Comments Samsung GalaxyThe World of Samsung Galaxy In the past, mobile phones have become synonymous with Nokia. For those in the business world, mobile phones only meant Blackberry, while those on the lookout for devices that have touch-screen capability usually settle for Palm devices. With the introduction of iPhone, however, everything changed. One of the changes that very few were expecting was the rise of a company that has little to do with smartphones – Samsung.
Samsung is primarily known as a major manufacturer of electronic devices. Although it also had mobile phones in its lineup, it was not considered as a major threat to, then, market leader, Nokia. However, with the introduction of iPhone, Samsung started gaining ground, most especially when it introduced to the market its Samsung Galaxy line of smartphones.
Whereas Apple had its own operating system when it comes to running iPhone, Samsung relied on the readily available Android in order to power its smartphones. Under the Samsung Galaxy line, one would find four different types of Galaxy S, the Galaxy Note series, which is primarily Samsung’s line of tablets; and the Galaxy Tab, which is Samsung’s line of tablets.
Following the footsteps of its main rival, Samsung has also taken into releasing a new model year after year, each one better than its predecessor. Of its four smartphone models, however, much clamor and much anticipation came with Samsung S4.
The Samsung S4 model was first introduced to the public in March of 2013. Although it has, generally, a similar design to its predecessor, it had actually an upgraded internal system, making it more powerful. The Samsung S4 model introduced such technologies as Air Play, which allowed the device to detect hand movements made by the user over the phone’s screen.
It also introduced eye-tracking technology, which allowed the unit to make adjustments in the lighting as well as in scrolling text depending on whether it detects the eyes of the user or not. It also featured Group Play, a functionality that allowed owners of S4 to engaged in a team game with other S4 owners.
In its most basic sense, the Galaxy line of phones from Samsung is somewhat similar to the iPhone line of smartphones in that both allowed the user to download only those applications that they need. However, one of the reasons why the Galaxy line of devices as one of the most sought-after unit in today’s world is the fact that, as opposed to its competitors, it allows a user to add more storage by simply purchasing a microSD card. That means, even if you get an S$ with only 16GB internal, you can upgrade that to as much as 64GB by simply inserting a microSD card into the card slot.
Now, it should be noted though that there are two different types of S4 out in the market, their main difference being their internal hardware. While the S4 released in North America and most parts of Europe and Asia an S4 running on quad core, a few countries had theirs running on an octa-core variant.
Under the Samsung Galaxy line, one would find four different types of Galaxy S, the Galaxy Note series, which is primarily Samsung’s line of tablets, the Samsung S4 model introduced such technologies as Air Play, which allowed the device to detect hand movements made by the user over the phone’s screen. 9/23/2013 0 Comments iPhone coverInexpensive Accessories that Complete the iPhone’s Function Having the latest iPhone device is essentially the number one priority for the typical tech savvy today. This being the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art smartphone device in existence, the public simply cannot be blamed for yearning an ownership of one of these. However, it is apparent that this desire is not so easily sufficed by simply having an iPhone.
See, in order to make for a better and more complete utility and/or experience, there are some supplementary elements needed. Others easily come in the package such as an iPhone charging cable while some are those items in which the enthused iPhone owners will eagerly invest in.
The keen smartphone users know that the significance of having the expensive yet commendable handheld is rightly reduced if they miss even the simplest accessories for it. Of course, there are varying purposes for different types of accessories available for the iPhone such as aesthetics, function, protection and others.
In any of the given accessory types, the consumers also know that they not only need high quality but they can greatly benefit from finding reasonable prices as well. This is why many of them have come to realize the great advantage of online stores for the accessories of the latest smartphones and other devices.
Easy and convenient access to shopping for the needed iPhone accessories is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantage of these online stores. They even outdo what actual stores are supposed to provide which is a wide range of good choices. Here, shoppers are given the chance to browse a broader selection of the most in-demand iPhone accessories.
It is definitely a benefit that the online market gives lower prices for even the authentic items from expensive brands. Through the assortments of accessories found online, it is easy to determine which ones are the most valuable for the better iPhone experience.
For a sense of security while handling the iPhone device, an iPhone cover or case is the accessory to purchase. Online stores offer these in different styles, material and design. Regardless of the variety, the main purpose in these is to deflect scratches, cracks, dirt, dust and other unwanted and unnecessary taints that the phone might sustain with one slip.
Of course, the online market also offers screen protectors that, much like an iPhone cover, is meant to protect the smartphone, only this time, primarily on its screen. This added accessory makes great sense too since the screen needs the most tolerance for a device that makes use of multi-touch technology.
Then for the highest form of convenience for music playback and calls, the online stores also offer the trendy and handy Bluetooth headsets. Needless to say, this brings the already state-of-the-art experience of the iPhone device into new heights.
Of course, when it comes to that there is nothing that comes before the iPhone dock. Sporting multiple functions such as music download and charging, it is even considered as one of the most essential iPhone accessories to own.
The online stores also have the basics such as the iPhone charging cable, car kits, car mounts and others.
Others easily come in the package such as an iPhone charging cable while some are those items in which the enthused iPhone owners will eagerly invest in. For a sense of security while handling the iPhone device, an iPhone cover or case is the accessory to purchase. 9/23/2013 0 Comments MacbookThe Right Place to Shop: Get Apple Products’ Accessories in Affordable Prices Apple has definitely released the most sought-after lines of modern devices for the past decade. The Macbook, iPad, iPhone; all of these are the leaders of their own kind. As a result, all that the enthusiasts of modern devices want is to get their hands on Apple’s offers. This is evident with the long lines that form during their every release. Apart from seeking out these devices, however, what has also caught in for the past few years is finding the accessories that improve, it not complete, the utility of these devices.
Of course, there are many add-ons for all the devices mentioned above. Some are indispensable while others are downright optional. Likewise, there are a few that come included with the purchase of the device while most are acquired through a separate purchase. For the latter, it has been made simpler and more convenient for the consumers to get them.
This is through the online shopping portals that sell all the necessary accessories for every modern device today. Every available accessory for each of Apple’s products can be found in these online places. More importantly, there are significant advantages in purchasing these items here instead of getting them at traditional retail stores.
Even when the accessories of iPhone, Macbook or iPad are not the items in question, it is generally known that items are cheaper when bought online. With that said, it should be considered that the purchase of these accessories must be the most reasonable to make through online since these are typically expensive in physical retail stores, given that the devices that they are to be used with are also of steep prices.
The point is that the online stores give the opportunity to save for someone who wants to wholly utilize the use of their sophisticated Apple device. This is not even the only advantage of getting these accessories online.
Obviously, apart from the savings, another selling point of these online stores is convenience, whereas, they would not need to go out of their home and visit the closest retail outlet. Instead, the consumers can just browse through their available options while seated at home in front of their computer. This leads to another advantage; the more extensive selection.
Normally, physical retail stores would be very limited in the items they have in stock or their available selection in general. This is not the case for online stores where even the simple iPhone cover is given thousands of varieties in style and design. The consumers are given the better chances of finding the ones that suit their personal preference.
They would not wear themselves out going from visiting one store to the next as it only takes a few clicks to get there when shopping through online. Of course, apart from the iPhone cover, there are also man offers of varying accessories for every product from Apple.
So, if the goal is to get the full utilization of any of Apple’s modern devices through their available accessories, the online stores are definitely the best go-to places for the smart consumers. The great advantages therein will, undoubtedly, work for their best interest.
Even when the accessories of iPhone, Macbook or iPad are not the items in question, it is generally known that items are cheaper when bought online. This is not the case for online stores where even the simple iPhone cover is given thousands of varieties in style and design. 9/10/2013 0 Comments iPhone charging cableTech Buffs Know the Best Reasons to Shop Online As the typical techie who makes use of the latest in the modern world such as the iPhone 5, you will likely be the type to prefer making things more convenient and easier. After all, is that not the idea that makes up the intuitive and feature-filled iPhone devices? In terms of shopping, here is an idea that you will surely find to be very advantageous. That is none other than shopping online.
Sure enough, shopping will play an important part in your efforts of keeping up with the latest in modern technology, specifically the supplementary releases that make your iPhone experience more enjoyable or perhaps complete.
Anyway, you would most certainly buy a few items for your beloved handheld device from time to time and, of course, going out to physical retail stores may sometimes be too much of a bother. Regardless if you are naturally the sluggish type or you simply do not have the privilege of time, the online market is the right solution for you.
The internet has a lot of shopping portals that provides everything you need for your iPhone device such as the iPhone charging cable, iPhone cases, skins, and other essential iPhone kits. This is the first and foremost advantage of online shopping. You get a complete access to various selections provided by different online providers. You even get to check out each of their offers in a matter of minutes.
This is the exact opposite of when you try to find your accessories at the local department store. It would take at least half a day to visit all of the available retail outlets and you might even end up not finding what you are looking for. With this consideration it is evident that shopping online is the better option. However, there are quite a few more reasons that ought to convince you.
Should you choose to buy at your local store, odds are you will be bringing your car with you. This brings the possible problem of finding a free parking space. Department store parking lots are never ones to have only a few occupants unless for the night time maybe. Even if you do not bring a car, you would also have to go through what perhaps may be an inconvenient commute to the store outlet and back. Not to mention, you would probably have to stand and wait in long lines too. Imagine all the trouble you would go through possibly due to losing your iPhone charging cable.
Another benefit of shopping through online is the big opportunities for saving. First of all, traveling to the local store to shop will cost money, one way or another. More importantly, items sold online are generally cheaper since online stores do not have the same commercial operating costs as actual retail outlets do. Of course, all iPhone 5 accessories are available in cheap prices as well but they are just of the same quality as the ones sold in your local store.
As a real techie, it is for certain that you inherently realize the boon of online shopping.
The internet has a lot of shopping portals that provides everything you need for your iPhone device such as the iPhone charging cable, iPhone cases, skins, and other essential iPhone kits. Of course, all iPhone 5 accessories are available in cheap prices as well but they are just of the same quality as the ones sold in your local store. 9/10/2013 0 Comments MacbookSome Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Devices’ Accessories Online Shopping online is definitely something that you should try the next time you want to shop more conveniently for your high-tech devices. Not only does shopping online make the shopping aspect much easier, it also gives you the benefit of safety. After all, you never know who is lurking around when you shop for accessories of the latest gadgets that you have.
You might be waving a flag for ill-intended people when you publicly buy your MacBook, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy accessories at your local department stores. Needless to say, there is more than enough reason for you to do shopping time through the World Wide Web. Here are a few more examples that you should definitely consider.
Given these reasons, you should definitely visit the online shopping portals a visit soon regardless of what you need; MacBook, iPhone, Samsung, Blackberry or any other accessories and items.
Whether you are looking for a Samsung headset, an iPhone cover, an iPad VGA adapter or a Blackberry charging cable, everything you find online will be priced more affordably. Given these reasons, you should definitely visit the online shopping portals a visit soon regardless of what you need; MacBook, iPhone, Samsung, Blackberry or any other accessories and items. 9/10/2013 0 Comments iPad miniOnline Stores: The Best Source for Your iPad Accessories Without any doubt, Apple’s iPad is one of the most valuable devices available in the market today. You will practically be overjoyed to have any of the entries from its lineup, yes, even the ones before the iPad 4. Perceivably, only a few tablet devices can even come close to the state-of-the-art qualities of the iPad devices.
Of course, in order to fully enjoy every aspect of the high-tech gadget, you need to have every bit of additional pieces that are made available for it. Whether you have lost the vital accessories that come with your purchase or you want to buy a supplementary item that ups the experience, you should definitely find yourself the best sources.
Especially for elements that help protect your valued device, you need a place where you can find the most affordable yet high-quality products. Fortunately, you have the internet in all its accessible and vast glory.
If you think the internet is just the lazy version of actually heading out to stores, you definitely have it wrong. There are a lot advantages that you can find in choosing to buy your iPad accessories online. Besides the fact that you do not have to get through the trouble of traveling all the way to your local department stores, you also get the benefit of a much larger scope of options.
Of course, in reality you can only go to and fro a limited number of outlets that are at close range of each other to do your shopping. What is worse is that you might not even find the iPad accessories you are looking for, or at least the ones that appeal to your taste. In contrast, the World Wide Web gives you access to a wide network of choices.
Yes, there is not only one online retail store that provides a wide range of iPad mini smart covers, iPad 2 Apple Digital AV Adapter or any other accessories of each and every iPad generation. There are several online shopping portals on the internet that gives all the supplementary iPad items that you need. Of course, what people mostly appreciate about these online stores is that provide the best discounts for every iPad accessory available.
Whether you have an iPad mini or the prestigious 4th generation of the iPad family, surely you would want only the finest products. Fortunately, the discount accessories online would not let you down on this aspect. It should not be mistaken that the products available online are cheap because they are mere knock-offs with low quality.
If you know how to look online, you can find yourself some of the most trusted stores with the most affordable deals on the first-rate iPad accessories. The reason why the prices of the stores online are generally cheaper is because they have less operation costs compared to the physical retail outlets. With that said, the internet should certainly the first place you check when you want to buy your much-needed iPad accessories.
The online market is sure to have the wide coverage of all iPad generations, especially the latest; iPad 4.
Yes, there is not only one online retail store that provides a wide range of iPad mini smart covers, iPad 2 Apple Digital AV Adapter or any other accessories of each and every iPad generation. The online market is sure to have the wide coverage of all iPad generations, especially the latest; iPad 4. 9/10/2013 0 Comments iPhone 5SUpgrading from iPhone 4S to iPhone 5: A Look Back before Anticipating the Upcoming iPhone 5S It has been about a year since the world saw the iPhone 5, released in the latter part of 2012, succeeded the then to-beat smartphone device; the iPhone 4S. Clearly, everyone was on the hype months and months before the actual release date were even announced.
Obviously there was a lot to expect about the supposed successor to the prestigious follow-up to the iPhone 4 considering how big it was during its reign.Thus, it was inevitable that people across the world was looking forward to be one of the first people to get their hands on the latest iPhone technology to hit the market.
Now, Apple is here again causing another buzz for yet another release that is bound to take the world by storm once again. With the perceived iPhone 5S, which is expected to be just as what 4S was to the iPhone 4, people are filled with unrelenting excitement again. The iPhone 5’s successor is expected to have its official announcement later this year along with another model, the iPhone 5C.
The lesser-enthused iPhone 5C is identified as a cheap plastic model intended for emerging markets such as China. Needless to say, the premium 5S model is sure to be another major entry into the prominent line of iPhone entries that will once again embody Apples trademark for innovation. Since there is still a long wait ahead, it might better to save the excitement for what is to come from its follow-up and instead revel first on the advancement of the iPhone 5 from its predecessor.
Before it even came out, everyone knew that the iPhone 5 would surpass the previous entries from Apple’s seamless and intuitive iPhone family and that is exactly what it did. From the design alone, it was evident that the latest release was a strong contender. It has a slick build which is intended for it to be the thinnest smartphone in the market.
Not only is this aesthetically fitting, it also made the phone handier. It is also a plus that iPhone 5 has larger and more convenient touchscreen. Then, just as on the outside, clearly there was alsonoteworthy changes brewing on the inside. If the 4S performed remarkably with the Apple A5 processor, the iPhone 5 takes it up a notch with the new and better Apple A6 processor.
Plus, you get to take full advantage of the new iOS 6 features. Further improvements from the 4S to the iPhone 5 include the more durable aluminum housing, better camera features, connectivity options and optics.
Clearly the much-enthused iPhone 5 is a significant departure from the already modern-chic and well-designed iPhone 4S. Regardless, seeing as Apple remains to be the pioneers when it comes to groundbreaking handheld innovations, there is certainly more to be expected from their future works.
For now, you just have to wait in excitement and live through the era of the iPhone 5. Sure enough, there is still much for you to enjoy out of the current focal piece if modern technology at least until the anticipated iPhone 5S starts taking the whole world for a new spin once again.
With the perceived iPhone 5S, which is expected to be just as what 4S was to the iPhone 4, people are filled with unrelenting excitement again. Clearly the much-enthused iPhone 5 is a significant departure from the already modern-chic and well-designed iPhone 4S. 8/22/2013 0 Comments iPhone 5sA New Dawn For Modern Technology With Iphone 5 The introduction of the iPhone 5 to the world has certainly caused a great stir among iPhone fans all over. In the United States alone, people stood in line for weeks just to be the first ones to get their hands what is essentially supposed to be the very epitome of the new age of handheld devices. Suffice to say, the much-anticipated device did not disappoint with a lot of new features that made it well-worth the significantly high prices that it came in.
Moreover, it retains the sleek look of the previous iPhone devices with the main differences being that it is slimmer and elongated. If anything, the subtle improvement in the design only made it all the more elegant and cooler at the same time. This, as well as its modern features, allows it to be a real hit to all consumers.
When Apples newest iPhone device came, it was clear that it would not be anything like what Apple has ever provided before. The transition to the new device is simply incomparable from when iPhone 4 was followed by iPhone 4s. From the design alone, it is clear that there was a definite distinction, whereas, the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s practically looked very much alike.
Meanwhile, as said before, the iPhone 5 is visibly taller. It has a screen that measures 4-inch, an inch wider than that of the 3.5-inch display of the iPhone 4s. Of course, in redefining the iPhone device, there is definitely much more than a simple enlargement of the device’s screen. The new iPhone is given tons of new hardware features that definitely make it a far departure from its predecessors.
First of all, the 4-inch screen has an eye popping 1136 x 640 pixel retina display. While retina display is present with the previous iPhone devices, the enlarged screen definitely boosts its significance.
Secondly, iPhone 5s are made to the first of all the devices manufactured by Apple to have the Apple A6 processor, allowing it to perform twice the power of the iPhone 4s’ A5 chip. Other significant added hardware features are 4G LTE networking & DC-HSPDA networks support, Dual-band 802.11n Wi-Fi, panoramic photos and lightning dock connector.
Meanwhile, the camera has certain similarities with the cameras of the previous iPhone devices as well but it does get enough improvements to make it different. For one, with the new sapphire lens as well as the aforementioned A6 processor, the camera captures photos 40% faster and the photos taken are more vibrant. Plus, as said before, the camera can now do panoramic shots. It also has an upgraded Face Time support and a 720p HD video recording.
Considering all the effort put into giving the iPhone 5s a lot more to offer its users, it is clear that it is intended to be superior in every way to the previous iPhone devices. At that, it is clear why, to this day, it is identified as the smart phone and handheld device to beat.
Meanwhile, as said before, the iPhone 5 is visibly taller. Secondly, iPhone 5s are made to the first of all the devices manufactured by Apple to have the Apple A6 processor, allowing it to perform twice the power of the iPhone 4s’ A5 chip. 8/22/2013 0 Comments iPhone 4sA Comparison Between Iphone 4s And Samsung Galaxy S II With the age of smart phones officially here, one great face off continues to make an uproar amongst modern-tech enthusiasts; the battle between Apple and Samsung and the on-going rivalry on their smart phone products. Even if you are not much of a fan of modern technology, you would most likely have heard of this rivalry. Perhaps you even have an opinion of your own as to which is better.
Here, the focus will be on the iPhone 4s and the Samsung Galaxy S II. The goal here is to see how one fares with the other with regards to the certain features that each have. In the end, it will be entirely up to you to decide which one is more appealing in your eyes.
First, here is an overview of the iPhone 4s.
Now, for the Samsung Galaxy S II, these are the corresponding values.
These are only some of what these two smart phone devices can offer. You would do best by learning more about the fantastic features that they have. By then, you would most certainly be able to make a much clearer opinion of which one is better. In any case, however, the general public will always be torn when it comes to making the judgment.
Here, the focus will be on the iPhone 4s and the Samsung Galaxy S II. The goal here is to see how one fares with the other with regards to the certain features that each have. |
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